
This blog is my second blog, and I hope that this will help me with my over thinking, with my problems and anexity but not only mine, everyone have these bad days when nothing is going well. So I hope that this blog helps people similar to me.

wtorek, 4 sierpnia 2020

I'm twenty, why time pass like that

So I'm twenty years old now, kinda sad because life was easier when I was seventeen though, I think that is quite sad how much things can end and start in three years, some things wasn't so happy, ending art high school was a sad part,( I still miss my teachers) It was pretty happy time. then I lost a friend, (yes like keys in the sofa that I don't have) (it's from song if you don't know). Anyway I thought that I knew her, but In reality probably I only knew that much as she wanted to tell or show me, but she isn't the only one who was at fault, I was. I was lying to myself, and I was afraid that she would leave me, so I started to think that it would be better If I could somehow be prepared on time when we will just separate our roads. so I wasn't quite me at that time, I started to be very disappointed as a friend, I know stupid, but In the end I couldn't tell her all that what I had inside me, that worst part sad, anxious and depressed with negative thoughts - me. I really wasn't good friend in the end, and now I think that I could do this different, but in the stage of life, we don't have second chance if we really mess up. I stepped aside deliberately. So I got what I wanted and deserved in the end. Im really terrible person, I liked her and didn't wanted to hurt her, but in the end I did it. What worst on purpose, what even worse I lost her. though that's what I wanted, but in the end when she called me for last time to say goodbye, I wasn't prepared to it at all, I was so mad at me, and started to cried, for few good months, okay half a year because I didn't pass that matura exam from math, I wasn't able to go to university, and I was thinking of this so much, that I cleaned all hause, and I didn't know what to do with myself when I end doing it. When we do something that we don't want to, what we don't feel like, we end up with things that we don't want in the end and we hurt ourselves.

niedziela, 6 sierpnia 2017

Day I

Im going to take care of myself and my life,
Im startig working on myself, for me.
I wake up early today.
Yesterday I started  exercises callanetics, and today I will be study math for 1h with english and history of art, everyday. I start read book that I borrowed few days ago from library, and I will be riding on my bike because I miss the last time when I was doing this. And now Im going to sleep goodnight.

sobota, 5 sierpnia 2017

Hi It's me

Hey my name is Ola in english just Alex and I have 17 y.o, 17 years watching different situations in my life, I had many bad days and couple happy days when I was just having fun and in the end of day I was going back home with a smile on my face. But sometimes are these days when I don't like going back to home, when I want to escape from the reality when I really want to change something but I can't, why ?because I always was trying and nothing changed at all.
Sometimes we all have these days when nothing is going right. Sometimes is really hard, and we need strength.
